Wrong Way Crashes On The Rise
March 24, 2014
Mostly drunk but also some disoriented drivers are traveling in the wrong lane with deadly consequences.Last year in Florida at least 70 Floridians died in wrong way driving crashes. Do you know what to do if you encounter a wrong-way driver? Read more: 70 Floridians died last year in wrong-way wrecks
Fifty Vehicle Wisconsin Pile-up
March 21, 2014
Here’s an interesting video from a Wisconsin traffic camera that shows the anatomy of a multi-car pile-up.
- While viewing this video, take a look at all the mistakes these drivers made:
- Driving in unplowed lanes.
- Driving too fast for conditions.
- Not watching the road ahead.
- Not leaving enough clear space between vehicles ahead.
- Not slowing down when approaching the crash site.
- Not seeming to realize that swerving around the crashed vehicles will cause your vehicle to spin madly out of control on the snow and ice.
After a crash:
- Illuminate your hazard lights.
- If it’s driveable, try to remove your vehicle from the travel lanes.
- If you get out of the vehicle, get off the roadway! People standing in the roadway were almost hit again by other crashing vehicles.
- Don’t stand in the oncoming lane of traffic.

Millions of Graco child (but not infant) seats recalled
March 21, 2014
Check the manufacturer of your car safety seats because Graco is recalling models with a defect. In these models, the buckles may get stuck, hindering your ability to remove the child from the seat. In an emergency this could be a severe issue when passengers need to get out of the vehicle quickly. Read more: Millions of Graco child (but not infant) seats recalled/
Photo: Gracobaby.com

When Is That Light Ever Going To Change??
March 21, 2014
We all hate sitting at red lights. Every minute at a red light seems like five minutes. This new red light design idea by Designer Thanva Tivawong shows you exactly how long you have until the light turns green. Read more: Sands Of Traffic Times!

Running A Red Light Here Is Bad; Very Bad!
March 17, 2014
We all know that running a red light is wrong but there are places where running a red light could cause a bigger crash than you imagine!
Read more: Strange Airport: Gibraltar, World’s Only Airport Runway Intersecting a Road