Category Archive: Safe Driving

Ask The Traffic School Instructor: Are Airbags Enough Protection?
May 20, 2014
Question: If my car is equipped with airbags, do I still need to wear a seat belt?
Answer: The technical term for airbags (and you’ll see this embossed on your steering wheel) is the Secondary Restraint System or SRS. Airbags aren’t meant to be the primary restraint system, they are only meant as a backup system. They won’t work effectively if you aren’t wearing your seat belt. In fact, traffic deaths have been attributed to airbags because the driver was either sitting too close to the airbag or, as in the great majority of cases, not wearing their seat belt. In a crash, your body will continue traveling forward at the speed the car was going before the crash until it is stopped by something else (Newton’s laws of motion). If you’re wearing your seat belt, the seat belt will restrain you and, if the airbag deploys, it will act as an extra cushion to keep your face from smashing into the steering column or dashboard. The airbag deploys at 200 mph in one-tenth of a second. If you aren’t wearing your seat belt, your body will fly forward as the airbag is traveling toward you at 200 mph. In that case, the crash forces will be tremendous and can easily be fatal. Remember also that the airbag doesn’t deploy in every crash. If the angle of the crash is such that the airbag sensors aren’t actuated, the airbags won’t deploy. Airbags are a great life saving device when used properly and that means using them in conjunction with the seat belt. Seat belts are the most important, first, and primary safety device in the vehicle.
“Click It Or Ticket” Campaign Begins
May 19, 2014
Memorial Day weekend is near and one Memorial Day tradition is the national “Click It Or Ticket” safety campaign. From May 20th, to June 1st, law enforcement authorities nationwide will be on the lookout for drivers who aren’t wearing their seatbelts. In most states, failure to wear a seatbelt is a primary offense, meaning you can be pulled over and given a ticket for the seatbelt offense alone. The fines can be pretty stiff so, if you won’t wear a seatbelt because it’s the smart and safe thing to do, at least do it to save some money.

America’s Least Courteous Drivers
May 16, 2014
Auto Vantage, an insurance company for motorists, has come out with its annual survey of cities with the worst instances of aggressive drivers and road rage. This year’s winner is Houston which moved from eighth place in 2013 all the way to first. Portland Oregon placed first in the category of most courteous drivers for the second year in a row. Congratulations to the winners! Read more: AutoVantage Survey on Road Rage Highlights Best, Worst American Cities
There’s A Train On Every Track At All Times
May 7, 2014
If you live in a city with a light rail or streetcar system, you may want to check your rearview mirror before turning. Check out this video from Houston’s Metro Rail System of drivers who assumed the way was clear. Remember that a train, even a light one, can’t stop as quickly as a car. See more:

ATV Deaths On The Rise
May 1, 2014
Because their tires are poorly suited for paved roads, all terrain vehicles (ATV) are meant for off-road driving but more and more ATV deaths are occurring on public roadways. Research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that two-thirds of ATV deaths between 2007 and 2011 occurred on public roads. Read more:Hundreds die in ATV crashes on public roads