Video Monitoring Of Truck And Bus Drivers Can Reduce Crashes
May 9, 2014
When truck or bus drivers are subject to video monitoring, they are less likely to engage in risky driving behaviors according to a study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. Two commercial fleets installed video monitors in the cabs of 100 trucks allowing managers to monitor actual driving behavior and counsel drivers as needed. One company reduced risky driving events by 37% and the other by 52%. Read more: Video monitors in trucks, buses could save live

Most Children Killed In DUI Crashes Are Passengers Of Drunk Driver
May 8, 2014
Most often, when a child is killed by a drunk driver, the child isn’t a passenger in another vehicle but instead is a passenger of the drunk driver. A recent study led by Dr. Kyran Quinlan of Northwestern University looked at traffic deaths involving children under the age of 15 over a ten year period. The data showed that, two-thirds of the time in DUI related crashes, the child was being driven by the drunk driver responsible for the crash. The data also showed that, the more the driver had been drinking, the less likely that the child was buckled into a seat belt or child safety seat. Read more: In Crashes That Kill Children, It’s Their Driver Who’s Often Drunk
There’s A Train On Every Track At All Times
May 7, 2014
If you live in a city with a light rail or streetcar system, you may want to check your rearview mirror before turning. Check out this video from Houston’s Metro Rail System of drivers who assumed the way was clear. Remember that a train, even a light one, can’t stop as quickly as a car. See more:

Parents Continue To Leave Kids In Hot Cars
May 2, 2014
With summer around the corner, it’s important to remember the dangers of leaving kids alone in cars. A study for Safe Kids Worldwide shows a shockingly high number of parents continue to leave kids locked alone in hot cars in spite of knowing the dangers of heat stroke. The number goes up for kids under the age of three. It’s also important that bystanders understand what action to take if they come upon a child left alone in a car. Read more: 14% of Parents Say They Have Left a Child Alone Inside Parked Vehicle Despite the Risks of Heatstroke

ATV Deaths On The Rise
May 1, 2014
Because their tires are poorly suited for paved roads, all terrain vehicles (ATV) are meant for off-road driving but more and more ATV deaths are occurring on public roadways. Research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that two-thirds of ATV deaths between 2007 and 2011 occurred on public roads. Read more:Hundreds die in ATV crashes on public roads