Category Archive: Driving Skills

Five Important Reminders for Teen Drivers
January 3, 2011
Teaching teens how to drive is only the first step of becoming a safe driver. To become confident and competent behind the wheel it is important that they learn defensive driving strategies. Whether they have just received their license or have been driving for a year, defensive driving school is an opportunity to brush up on the rules of the road. Even though teens as new drivers are starting off fresh, as new learners, sometimes they need a little reminding.
Here are five important reminders for teen drivers:
- 1. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Surveys conducted by several driving safety organizations have yielded the same result: teen drivers think that they are better drivers than other drivers. Preparing to drive means preparing the vehicle for safety and mentally preparing the driver to be focused on driving, and nothing else, when a teen driver gets into the driver’s seat.
- 2. Seeing signs. Ever notice those things by the side of the road sometimes? Those are meant to be followed. Speed limits are put into place not by some arbitrary decision: road engineers have taken the time to study traffic flow in an area to determine by which speed it is best to drive at.
- 3. Undertakers love over takers. It’s easy for a teen driver to lose his or her cool when another driver cuts them off, or overtakes them. Some motorists go so far as driving fast to catch up to the drivers who did it to them. Simple advice: let them go on. It’s not a race and it’s not worth the risk of a ticket or crash.
- 4. Distraction is two letters away from destruction. A teen driver may feel that they can ABSOLUTELY do something else while driving, while statistics and surveys often prove otherwise. Surprisingly, teen drivers fail to acknowledge that having other teens in the car is one of the biggest distractions from driving. Eat/text/call/change tunes BEFORE starting the car.
- 5.Drinking, drugging and driving DO NOT mix. That goes with prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications that may impair driving ability too. Teen drivers often underestimate the effects of alcohol, and what they don’t know is, when they get a DUI, it haunts them for a long time. It follows them when they look for jobs; apply for scholarships or when they are going to pay for car insurance. Not to mention that it also puts themselves and other motorists at risk.
If you area teen or know a teen, share these important reminders for safe driving, Driver education is continuing education, especially during the teen years.

Teens New Year Resolutions to be a Safer Driver
December 29, 2010
When ringing in the New Year, millions of people decide to make what has become to be known as New Year’s resolutions. Many people will make a commitment to losing weight, to quit smoking cigarettes, do better in school, get out of debt, or join a fitness club. The sad part of making these resolutions is they are often very hard to keep and people often fail within the first few weeks or months of trying.
There is one New Year’s Resolution that can be achieved by teens and that is becoming a safer driver. It’s easy to achieve because licensed teenage drivers are in their vehicles every day giving them the opportunity to stick to their resolution.
In today’s world of driving, drivers are multitasking when behind the wheel. According to the Safe Driving Institute:
- 77% of drivers admit to talking or texting while driving
- 60% admit to eating while driving
- 50% admit to making obscene or rude gestures or comments to other drivers, particularly those who cut in front of them
- 50% admit to almost falling asleep while behind the wheel
- And there are countless teens getting behind the wheel of their vehicle drunk, high or buzzed.
Making a New Year’s resolution to eliminate the above while driving isn’t difficult to incorporate into your daily driving habits. Let’s look at a few:
- Ditch the cell phone because using a cell phone or texting while driving can be as dangerous or deadly as drunk driving. One way of doing this is to keep your cell phone far enough away that you will not be tempted to use it. Keep it turned off and let all messages go to voicemail to be listened to later. You can also purchase a cell phone blocker to block calls and/or texts while the vehicle is in motion, Only use a cell phone when driving for emergencies.
- Drive within the posted speed limit. When you speed you are increasing the chances of you getting into a crash, injuring or killing yourself or others. Don’t be a follower and speed alongside everyone else. Be a leader and show others you obey the law.
- Fast food is often a teens lifeline but not while you are driving. If you need a snack, go through the drive-through, get your food, park, eat and then continue your journey.
- Always look when entering a lane of traffic or passing another car. Get into the habit of using your turn signals and side-view mirrors and don’t forget those inexpensive “blind-spot mirrors“ can make the difference of getting into a crash or not.
- When someone cuts you off, take a deep breath, count to ten and let it go. Road rage accomplishes nothing except putting you in danger of a crash while you try to catch up to the other driver.
- Wear your seatbelt. Not because it’s the law, but because it will save your life.
- Study for your school tests at home, not while driving to school. Reading while driving is the second most common distraction while driving after the cell phone.
- Always remember drinking, drugging and driving don’t mix. One beer or a hit from one blunt can negatively impact your driving skills. If you plan on partying with alcohol or other substances, make sure you use a designated driver. Also remember that in all 50 states in the United States the legal age to consume alcohol is 21 and using illegal drugs such as marijuana is illegal.
- Finally, take a defensive driving course every couple of years. It’s always good to have a little refresher course and find out what changes have been made in the traffic laws and road conditions.
Remember, driving is a privilege and with a privilege comes responsibility and accountability. So make sure your New Year’s resolutions include becoming a smarter and safer driver. It’s an easy one to incorporate into your daily living and will help you survive on the road.
Happy New Year and Safe Driving!

Five Tips Before Teens Get Their Drivers License
October 6, 2010
A common rite of passage for teenagers is getting their driver’s license. Before teens get their license, they have to prepare themselves thoroughly. Here are a five tips for teens as they work towards their driver’s license:
1. Study the handbook. It’s surprising what kind of motivation teens have when it comes to studying for their driving test. The written part of the driving exam is pretty much like other tests for classes in school: you have to study to pass. You don’t study, you fail. You never know which part of the driving manual will appear in the exam, so it important to be well versed on the material to increase the chances of passing. If you decide you want to practice more, you can sign up for a drivers license practice test online course. You’ll get to see over 1,500 questions and answers similar to those found on the written driver’s test, along with detailed explanations.
2. Find out about the local GDL laws. Different states have different Graduated Drivers License (GDL) laws, and it’s worth noting that many states have varied age and time of day restrictions, passenger and mobile device limitations, and educational requirements before teens can get a full license. Also, the penalties and ordinances change depending on where you drive. Be familiar with the laws and ordinances for teen drivers for where you live and the places you plan to drive with your teen.
3. Make a covenant with parents. Straight talk and clear guidelines between teen drivers and their parents or guardians will assist teen driver safety. Setting boundaries that teens and parents can agree on will give teens an idea of the responsibility they will be undertaking. A Teen Driving Contract will help to guide and establish the expectations and consequences of driving privileges and behavior.
4. Practice makes perfect. A teen should always insist on getting more practice with their driving. On the other hand, parents and guardians over 21 years-old, should be more than willing to accompany them and teach them how to drive properly, especially in different types of weather and road conditions and environments, including nighttime, rain, and expressway driving. Several states require 50 hours of behind the wheel driving practice as a minimum, before full licensure. To help record this time, use a driving log. A printable version can be found at
5. No, focus makes perfect. Learning to maneuver the vehicle with ease and control is a milestone. But if a teen cannot stay focused, they are not ready to drive alone. This tip works in conjunction with the tips above. Giving each task the required amount of attention will make teen drivers reach their goal of becoming better drivers. Removing distractions to driving and keeping them focused on their interaction with the changing driving environment will not only make getting their license easier, it will help them be a safer driver.
Use these tips to help to set your teen up for success as they embark on preparing for their license. It is an exciting time of new endeavors and more independence. Have fun and be safe!

Driver’s Ed is Not a One Shot Deal
September 1, 2010
Working in the driver safety field for over a decade, I find myself giving parents both solicited and unsolicited advice. I am passionate about teen driver safety, not only because I was a teenage driver at one time and made irrevocable mistakes along with many of my friends, but also because I am a parent who is concerned about my own teen drivers and their friends on the road.
Driver ed is not a one time deal. From the ages of 14 to 19, parents need to approach driver training as driver continuing education. Aspects of continuing education include: safety awareness, prevention education, introductory teaching, skill development, intermediate education, additional driving exposure and defensive driving education. The Governor’s Highway Safety Administration (GHSA) and many individual states are aware of the importance of continuing driver education. As parents, it is time that we change our attitudes and recognize the value this type of training provides.
By the time a soon-to-be driver is 14, they realize that it won’t be long before they are behind the wheel. They become more aware of how you, your family members and other adults they travel with drive on the roads. They notice when you speed, try to multi-task, weave in and out of traffic, try to beat the red light and fuss about other drivers.
From this point, driver training has begun. If you haven’t already started being a positive role model, the time has come to do so. This is a good time to:
- Brush up on the state’s driving manual
- Discuss the precautions you take when deciding what time to leave, routes to go and lanes to travel in and how those precautions change based on circumstances
- Discuss current driving related articles in the news and prevention strategies
Prior to applying for your learner’s permit, Florida law requires completion of the Drug and Alcohol Class, which is a 4 hour course that focuses on prevention. Two-thirds of the curriculum generally addresses the dangers of drugs and alcohol and how deadly they become when combined with driving. The remainder of the curriculum addresses:
- Following distances
- Stopping distances
- Special vehicles
- Different aspects of the driving environment
It can be done in a classroom setting with an instructor or online at their leisure.
At this point, your teen hasn’t even started the vehicle and quite a bit of education has already begun. This is a great time to create a Parent-Teen Driving Contract, which will establish the boundaries, responsibilities and privileges of driving during their teen years. Also keep a driving log; to keep track of the amount, type and time of day that driver training was conducted.
Once the new driver has passed the road signs, regulations and eye tests, they will be issued a Learners Permit from the Division of Motor Vehicles. As a parent, you can now begin some introductory teaching:
- Show them the equipment, gauges and their functions on the interior and exterior of the vehicle.
- Begin very simple skill development regarding pre-trip inspections, starting, stopping and parking.
The next step is to move into intermediate education and intermediate skills. You may want your teen to take a driver’s education class or practice with an instructor. If you plan to take on the instruction yourself, it should be during this stage that you dedicate time (most states require 50 hours supervised) exposing them to highways, specific weather conditions and driver safety practices such as how to properly use the vehicle mirrors.
Practicing these intermediate driving skills help the new driver develop an adequate understanding of the vehicle and the skills to maneuver it with confidence. This is the time to discuss what it means to be a safe driver. Some topics to consider:
- What type of driving behaviors do safe drivers demonstrate?
- What type of attitudes do other drivers bring behind the wheel?
- How should a safe driver respond to harried, angry, or inattentive drivers?
- How important is being rested to making safe driving decisions?
As you move into the next stage of driving, your teen driver should demonstrate control of the vehicle. You should feel confident in their judgment and how they handle most driving situations. Focus on refining their skills by exposing them to complicated driving scenarios and employing defensive driving strategies such as:
- How to handle multiple hazards
- Identifying hazards with the greatest priority
- Which escape routes are available
- Complex right of way situations
Walk through vehicle emergencies, not only handling their vehicle, but also how to respond to another vehicle experiencing an emergency such as a blown tire.
Enroll your teen in a defensive driving class either right before they get their license or soon afterwards. While they may know how to drive, they haven’t been ready to fully understand defensive driving techniques for themselves. Don’t wait until something happens that requires them to take a class.
Because teenage drivers are most at risk of a crash during their first year of licensure, there are supplemental classes they can take. Some courses are only one hour and include topics such as:
During that first year, it is important to phase in how much access to the vehicle they have, the time and under what conditions they drive, and the number of passengers, if any allowed.
Driving is such an important step in a teen’s development, but it can also be very dangerous. It is up to the parents to establish and enforce a strong graduated licensing system. Remember that driver education is ongoing over the teenage years.
Driver education is continuing education.

Tips for Teens: When is the Speed Limit too Fast for Conditions?
July 15, 2010
Many teens are so excited to get their driver’s licenses that much of the training they received prior to licensure is quickly forgotten. But it’s important for new drivers to follow the fundamental rules of the road, and adapting speed to conditions is one rule that’s frequently broken.
Driving too fast for conditions is considered speeding and can result in a traffic ticket. But that’s not the only reason to slow down – driving too fast for conditions is a contributing cause of many motor vehicle crashes. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds (based on 2005 figures, which are the latest mortality data currently available from the National Center for Health Statistics).
A 2009 analysis of speeding-related crashes by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that following the speed limit is not enough to prevent a crash when conditions warrant a reduction in speed. The study showed that in speeding-related crashes that caused one or more injuries, 26% of the crashes were contributed to be exceeding the posted speed limit, while 74% were due to driving too fast for conditions. In property-damage-only crashes where speed was a contributing factor, 18% of the crashes were due to exceeding the posted speed limit and 82% of the crashes were contributed to by driving too fast for conditions.
Drivers should reduce their speed:
-immediately when it begins to rain. Roads become very slippery just after the rain begins, because the rainwater mixes with oil on the road that has been dropped from passing vehicles. Driving too fast on wet roads can result in skidding, when the vehicle loses traction with the road and the driver loses control of the vehicle.
-when roads are slippery due to snow or ice. Vehicles have even less traction on snowy or icy roads than they have in rainy weather. On icy roads, drivers should slow to a crawl and get off the road as soon as possible.
–in foggy or smoky conditions. Fog and smoke make it difficult to see ahead, and reducing speed reduces stopping distance.
-before a curve. Too often, drivers realize that they are moving too fast when they are already in the curve, but lowering speed in a curve results in a loss of traction that could cause a skid. Always reduce speed before entering the curve.
-in construction zones. Lower speed limits are usually posted in construction zones, but the new speed limit may not be low enough, especially for new drivers. The distraction of all the activity in the work zone and changes in the road surface can cause more difficulties for drivers who are inexperienced.
-around school zones and playgrounds. Again, lower speed limits are posted in school zones, but children are often present when the lowered limits are not in effect. Children are unpredictable and may walk, skate or bike into the road without checking for traffic.
-at night. Visibility is reduced at night; street lights and the vehicle’s headlights cannot entirely make up for this.
It’s also important to monitor your speed carefully on rural roadways with higher speed limits. Since the speed limit is already high, it’s easy to drive too fast for conditions, which often include curves, animals, farm equipment, and roads that are not well-maintained.
Pressure from teen passengers should also be considered. Passengers may encourage the driver to travel at or above the speed limit. Resisting this pressure is an important exercise in maturity for teen drivers and is an integral part of keeping their driver’s licenses. Unfortunately, it could even be a life-and-death matter.