GPS Tracking Technology that Promotes Safe Teen Driving
July 6, 2010
GPS technology has existed for at least 30 years and over the last decade, we’ve seen a boom in consumer devices that utilize it. With faster satellite relays and increased accuracy it’s no wonder that there are more practical applications for everyday GPS use; for instance, teen driving safety
Most people think of in–vehicle GPS systems as simply a tool for helping a driver to get directions from point A to B however there are several GPS systems that are being marketed to parents for safer teen driving. All of these systems help parents or guardians keep track of the whereabouts of their teen driver via GPS location and only differ in the features they’ve included with each one.
Here’s a quick rundown on some of them:
Spark Nano – http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/product/spark+nano+gps+tracking+device.do, $99 plus subscription fees
The Spark Nano is marketed as the smallest, most highly-sensitive GPS tracking device for tracking teen drivers. This battery operated, web enabled device allow parents or guardians to keep track of their teen in real time. It also keeps track of speed, so parents know how fast their teen driver was going. The additional feature in this one is a panic button, which when pressed sends out alerts to parents of their location and that they are in need of assistance.
mobileteen GPS – http://www.mobileteengps.com/, $299 plus monitoring plan
The mobileteen GPS system, when installed in a vehicle, allows a parent/guardian to keep track of how fast the car was moving, and how long the car has been in one location. Parents/guardians can login to their site to monitor real-time activities. It also allows parents/guardians to set a “ForceField” to alert them via text messaging or email when the car moves, useful when they are out of town, or when the teen is forbidden from driving. It also allows them to set approved/unapproved driving locations and to be alerted when a violation is committed. There is also a Repair/Response feature that helps locate teen drivers when they are having problems with the vehicle.
Safe Teen Driving Club’s Active GPS System – https://www.safeteendrivingclub.org/prodpurchase_vt.php.
This system also acts as an anti-theft device for the vehicle and could help lower insurance rates. The Active GPS System only activates when the ignition is on. It tracks speed and location, and sends out automatic reports (set by the user). The parent or guardian may also check a web-based site to view the real-time coordinates of their teen driver on a map. This system has to be professionally-installed, and that may add to the total cost of the system.
Marcus Teen Tracking System –
The Marcus Teen Tracking System provides real-time location information on your teen drivers and alerts parents or guardians if they go beyond a certain speed. It also allows the creation of unapproved driving zones and provides driving directions.
Additional Driver Safety Information on In-Vehicle Technology:
The Drawbacks Of In-Vehicle Technology